
Precious Metals Risk Management Solutions

You need strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment. We can help.
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With over 150 years of experience in metals, HSBC is your natural first point of contact when trading commodities: we are a global leader in precious metals.

We provide 24-hour sales and trading coverage from our main centres in London, New York, Hong Kong and China. With a primary focus in gold, silver, platinum, palladium and coverage in rhodium, HSBC is one of the world’s largest precious metals custodians.

Benefit from a full-service franchise with four key offerings: trading, financing, vaulting and physical.

Our solutions span the full precious metals value chain in sectors ranging from investment, mining, industrial and jewellery.

Precious Metals Global Reach

Metals hedging & investments

We provide OTC derivative hedging and investment solutions in precious metals

Commitment to the Code

We drafted and reviewed the Global Precious Metals Code alongside peer firms and central banks

How can we help today?

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